Global borderlands September 16- 18 2021 | Leiden, The Netherlands/ONLINE

Crimmigration has rapidly become the dominant response to human mobility around theglobe. It has emerged, ironically, in tandem with growing economic globalization. Forcapital, national borders have virtually disappeared, while the walls, virtual and literal,are growing higher for workers and others who need mobility to thrive, and even survive. Race, ethnicity, and personal wealth matter in who gains entry.

This conference will treat crimmigration and bordering holistically as systemsnested within economy and society in subtle, and not-so-subtle, ways. In so doing, theconference calls attention to the various 'faces' and expieriences of crimmigration andbordering across the globe as well as to a critical examination of the scholarship so far.

Deadline: April 1st, 2021

Please indicate what you are submitting:

  • A full or partly-formed panel
  • An individual paper based on finalized research
  • Work in Progress

To apply, submit a (maximum) 500-word abstract, with 5 keywords and a tentative title

Abstracts can be submitted here

For questions and/or inquiries please email to